Lasting Hot MD
Ready-to-use Heat Pack
Product features
Ready in a towel warmer cabinet
High-barrier designed to enable easy preparation in a hot towel warmer cabinet.
You don’t need to boil and wipe off water, but just take it out and apply.

Product feature 1
The benefit of high-barrier design
The Lasting Hot MD can be kept in a towel warmer for 24 hours ready to be used for its high-barrier design.
Product feature 2
Long lasting formulation
The Lasting Hot MD is designed to last for 3-4 hours and to reduce work of replacing the pack during dialysis/drip.
Product feature 3
Safety proven gel
The safety of the gel materials has been confirmed by the tests below:
● Acute oral toxicity test
● Skin irritation test
● Eye irritation test
The film comes with antibacterial finish.
How to use
●Heat the Lasting Hot MD in a towel warmer cabinet for several hours.
●Take it out and check the pack to make sure that it has no damage.
●Insert the pack into the original cover.
●Apply carefully onto the body. If it is too hot to apply directly onto skin, use some cloth between the pack and body to prevent the skin from getting burnt.
●After use, take the pack out of the cover and return it into the towel warmer cabinet.
Ready to Use, Long Lasting Pain Relief
for dialysis or intravenous therapy

180 X 260 mm / 700 grams

For arm
110 X 260 milli-meters / 300 grams

2 original packs, double pockets cover.
180 X 260 milli-meters / 700 grams